Imagine to Create
What would happen if you imagined your next chapter, taking the best of what you’ve learned so far and mixed that in with new rules, new invitations, a new game?
Here’s an imagination game for you. I’ve made it just for you.
Imagine this next chapter of your life is an opportunity to mix things up.
You can set the parameters, the invitations to play, the routines and the rules. New ones. And/or you can borrow from the ones you’ve loved in your previous chapters. You can design your day-to-day as you like (within the confines of your professional and personal commitments, of course).
Allow yourself to get outside everything you already know.
In this next chapter, you can … do what you want.
Ready, set, go!
Describe your new world.
What are you doing?
How often?
What are you not doing?
How much of your life is about play and pleasure and joy?
What are you doing to experience these things?
How much of your life is about slog?
What are you saying yes to?
What are you saying no to so you can say more yes to the things you love?
How does this feel?
What are you seeing? (List 5 things.)
What are you feeling? (List 4 things.)
What are you hearing? (List 3 things.)
What are you smelling? (List 2 things.)
What are you tasting? (List 1 thing.)
Describe a typical day, a new day, a day you get to have any day you want.
Who is invited?
Finally, what are the rules?
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